Subs and Payments

From 1 April 2024, Scouting subs are £27.50 per term (6 terms per year), which equates to £165 per year or £4.58 per week – based on 36 weeks. They are paid for a whole term even if a child misses a week or decides to leave during part of the term.

We can claim Gift Aid on the subs that you pay. Please select Gift Aid on OSM.

The subs that you pay each week fund several things:

  • Activities / Badges / Neckerchiefs: Our leaders organise activities for your children to do on a weekly basis.  These activities often count towards activity and challenge badges. The subs you pay fund these activities and the badges that are earned. Additional, larger activities like camps are paid for separately.
  • Capitation costs: Each year the Scout Association takes a census (or count) on 31st January for all child members of our group. The “capitation” due is paid for each child in the Group at that time, regardless of how often that child attends. This cost is about £55 per child and is paid to the District, so we do not directly benefit from this money.
  • HQ costs: We are very lucky to have our own headquarters and wonderful grounds in the centre of Stroud. But that does come at a cost. It currently costs us about £7,000 to run the building (heating, lighting, cleaning, servicing, and insurances). We try to offset most of that cost by hiring the building out to organisations and individuals when the scouting groups are not using it

Making a payment

Online Scout Manager (OSM)

You can log in to OSM and pay.

Bank transfer

We accept bank transfer payments.

Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Stroud Valley Scout Group
Account number: 00472254
Sort code: 30-98-29

Please add the last name of your child and which section they are in to the reference.

In cash

We are happy to accept payment in cash, but please put it in an envelope clearly marked with the name of your child, what the payment is for, and how much is enclosed.

If you have any queries about payments, please email the Group Treasurer


HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III