Cub and Scout Camp May 2019
Weekend 17th to 19th May 2019.
We had 35 Cubs [24 boys 11 girls], 12 Scouts [8 boys 4 girls] plus Young Leaders and Leaders over the weekend camping at our own HQ and visiting South Cerney on the Saturday.
On Friday night after the tents were erected, Ashley took the Cubs on a nature walk in the local area, while Maisie, Zuzanna, Oscar F and Rupert made the sandwiches (over 120 of them).
On Saturday morning the Cubs were up at 5.30 excited I hope. We then caught the KB coach to South Cerney at 8.30 am. The Cubs and Scouts did two activities, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The choices were archery, kayaking, raft building and stand up boarding.
We had three teams raft building, only one team made it around the island the other two sinking. The rest of the activities went without mishap apart from a bruised eye.
The staff at the centre were full of praise for how all the Cubs and Scouts listened and took on board the instructions given.
After the return journey, tea and a few games the Cubs were well ready for bed.
At 6.30 Sunday morning all was quiet. Breakfast followed along with them taking all the tents down and cleaning HQ.
The feedback was the kids had enjoyed it and slept well when back home.
We had a lot of problems with the activities before camp, but on the weekend all went well.
I would like to thank all the Leaders and Young Leaders for all their efforts over the weekend, and all the Cubs and Scouts although we were not trouble free, with the number of kids we had the behaviour was very good.
Here is to the next Camp on the 20th to 22nd September at Cranham Scout HQ details to follow early June. And don’t forget that the Scouts have Strategy in June.